web design for artists and small businesses


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Contact: Jo Ann Cooksey Bono icarus-art ■ Norristown, PA



click here to continue to my personal site


click on image to view sample sites


Punta Rossa Acrylics

Silas Bolef Company

Alice Chung



Greater Norristown Art League

Cynthia Healy

Allen M. Hornblum


Jacqueline H. Altman

John Wood Artist Janice Mariner Ward

Jo Ann Cooksey Bono

Susannah Hart Thomer

Barbara O'Neill Art


Susan Sowers Art

Barbara Ann Brown Artist

Mary Beth Kazanicka


Lorraine Sierchio

Patrice DeVirgilis Diana Mckee Studio


  Carlene Brod  


icarus-art is on facebook >





all content copyrighted by Jo Ann Cooksey Bono ©